Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Task Two (interested in interviewing)

For task two I am thinking about interviewing either my grandma or my grandpa. I am interested in interviewing one of my grandparents because we are very close they live just down the street from me. I have no clue about their education, I don’t think I have ever had a conversation with either of them about there education. This makes me curious to know what it was like for them growing up. My grandparents are interesting to me because they are my family, so whatever they went trough obviously has some kind of effect on where I am today. If my grandpa would of went to college would he of met my grandmother and had my mother?  I plan on asking my grandparent what there highest grade completed is? How many schools did you attend? Why so many? Why only one? How did you get to school? Where there snow days? How many kids were in your classes and what races? Did you participate in any sports?
A problem I may face is writing my paper with out just writing down the questions and answers. I am looking forward to learning about my grandparent’s childhood and their education. I am curious to what they went through when going through school I really want to know about how discipline was. A question I have for task two is how do we start out an interview paper? What will the introduction be?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayde,

    When you are writing your introduction, examine the essay we read by Brittani Booker's. The introduction should introduce the reader to your subject. In doing so, I would recommend providing a brief description about your subject.

    As interested as your subjects sound, the questions seem slightly vague. Talk to your grandparents about some of their experiences in education. For instance, did one of your grandparents attend an all-white school? If so, how did this affect his/her role in school? Tell us some stories about their days. Examine how Booker organizes her story.

    Ms. C
