Monday, September 6, 2010

Ideas For Task One

For task one I am going to write about abusive relationships. I have chosen to write about abusive relationships because I have been in one and some people are in abusive relationships and don’t realize it. I want to voice my opinion on abusive relationships to encourage myself and others to not get in to an abusive relationship. I want to educate people about this topic because someone could have a friend or a relative who maybe in a situation and it needs to be brought to their attention. Some problems that may arise for task one is computer issues because it’s just my luck. I will have some issues brain storming ideas. I anticipate to struggle or get stuck and probably change my topic a few times. I will change my topic because I will think of something better or think my topic now isn’t good enough. I will struggle, get stuck, and frustrated. I have a problem with forgetting ideas and staying focused. I stress myself out when it comes to writing papers because I expect myself to sound smart and to get it done fast and with no problems. I like to think about my topic a lot before I begin to write. I want to approach this paper by jotting down ideas before I begin writing I want to do some research on statistics on effects of an abusive relationship. Questions I do have about task one are how soon should I start? Will we have some kind of guide?


  1. I once had a creative writing teacher in high school that told me, to start with one idea and write from the heart. It doesn't matter about order, grammer, or content just build on that idea until your done, then go back and arange the order, grammer, and content to flow the way you want to relay your message or point. You can get most stats off the net on a google search, or Ms Chastain may be able to point you in the right direction. Hope this helps look forward to reading your writing.

  2. Hi Kayde,

    Clifford has offered some great advice for this paper.

    First, I think you are getting in over your head. This is a personal memoir, not a research paper. Therefore, if you are comfortable, it seems like your focus is abusive relationships (as I see you have been in one). If you are comfortable with sharing, I would invite you to share your story. Remember that this is a personal memoir (not a story where you need to incorporate facts or other sources -- we will get to that later in the semester). I don't want you to worry about that now - partly because then it would not satisfy this paper's requirements. If you choose to write about abusive relationships, perhaps one that you have been in, ask yourself what is the significance of this story? What does my audience need to know? What have I learned?

    Ms. Chastain
