Monday, September 27, 2010


The cuentos in Cofer’s memoir are women’s stories because it was the older women in the family sitting in rocking chairs sharing their experiences with the younger women of the family. They wanted to share the stories to the younger women of the family especially Aunt Laura. She was about to go pick out a dress for her wedding and the date had not even been set, nor was her soon to be husband present. For the young boys of the family, they would all get together maybe doing some manly things and talk and share their thoughts about marriage and love.

my hometown:)

In my hometown we are not scared to get a little dirty. It’s not about how much chrome covers your truck; it’s all about the mud covering your tires. We’re not in love with designer clothes, but we love our Justin boots. I grew up in the small town of Savannah, Missouri. In Savannah you know everybody and everybody knows you and all your drama. Savannah has shaped me in to the person I am today. I am someone who can be a great friend; I’ll help you with school, I can tell you what I think about your boyfriend, your two-faced friends, and I’ll give you my advice. I’m the kind of person you think is innocent, kind, and shy. I’m not at all shy once I get to know you. I love to have a good time and hang out with my friends.
I couldn’t imagine growing up in a different town or being raised any differently. I love being a savage! My friends and I like to do productive things, especially on the weekends. After a long week of working we all get together and have a good time even if all we do is hang out and talk about some good times we have had. I wouldn’t want any other friends then I have now. They always have my back and are understanding of me having Aubrey.  Savannah has shaped me in the person I am today; this small town of farmers is where I want to be for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Task Two (interested in interviewing)

For task two I am thinking about interviewing either my grandma or my grandpa. I am interested in interviewing one of my grandparents because we are very close they live just down the street from me. I have no clue about their education, I don’t think I have ever had a conversation with either of them about there education. This makes me curious to know what it was like for them growing up. My grandparents are interesting to me because they are my family, so whatever they went trough obviously has some kind of effect on where I am today. If my grandpa would of went to college would he of met my grandmother and had my mother?  I plan on asking my grandparent what there highest grade completed is? How many schools did you attend? Why so many? Why only one? How did you get to school? Where there snow days? How many kids were in your classes and what races? Did you participate in any sports?
A problem I may face is writing my paper with out just writing down the questions and answers. I am looking forward to learning about my grandparent’s childhood and their education. I am curious to what they went through when going through school I really want to know about how discipline was. A question I have for task two is how do we start out an interview paper? What will the introduction be?

Monday, September 20, 2010


What is the thesis for your paper?
The first time I saw her was at my first sonogram.  She was somewhat in a ball sucking her thumb on one hand and hitting me in the bladder with the other.
List the main points you make in your paper.
Delivery, Coming home, Growing and her favorite place to go.
What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
How I should organize my paragraphs
What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
To make a outline
How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
For task one I wrote about three different papers. I wrote them sitting in my room at night right before I went to bed. I wrote one paper read it the picked a different topic wrote another paper and then did an outline and re wrote the second paper.
What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I think it took me to long to pick a topic and had to read  someone elses paper to really comprehend what to write.
What are most pleased with about this paper?
How quickly I pulled the paper together.

Friday, September 10, 2010

On Becoming a Chicano

I define myself as white. I can’t think of any struggle I have been through because of my racial identity. I have struggled on getting tan. Rodriguez had trouble with his grandmother and felt distant because she couldn’t communicate with him. My grandmother and I had a disagreement on tanning in tanning beds because of the risk of skin cancer. My parents want me to succeed so they want me to go to college. Rodriguez parents wanted him to have a better living so they sent him to a school so he could learn English and because they did he was able to go farther in his education.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How It Feels to Be Colored Me

I label myself as a single mom. In my day-to-day life I take care of my daughter. I feed her, dress her, and make sure her day is always started off the way I should be. Then I work and go to school so I can support her and always be able to give her what she needs. I want her to have everything I haven’t had. I know I don’t have the experience now that I should to be raising a baby but I have some great groups I’m in to fill me in on those important things I need to know. Sometimes I feel like I am discriminated against or get unneeded attention because I am a younger mother. I feel like some people are very rude and immature the way I receive looks or comments from people my own age and older. This makes me feel some what comparable to Hurston. Hurston says that she is the only Negro in the United States whose grandfather on the mother’s side was not an Indian chief. I believe I have the only mother that did not freak out when she found out I was expecting. I liked Hurston’s idea about the brown bags propped up against a wall with many others and full of miscellaneous items. All the items in the bag would express the people in some way it’s kind of like having someone take a walk in your shoes and find out what its like to be you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rite of Passage

• Very stable and ordinary family.

• Father was Swedish.

• Mother was the backbone of the family she was fierce and stern.

• The passion of his mother’s life was to protect her family.

• Grandmother was anything but fierce she was very unsatisfied.

• Grandmother became very irritable and difficult she started seeing things and moved in to their home for six months before they tried to move her to a nursing home. The two sisters and one uncle disagreed about placing her in a home but one brother came and witnessed what was happening and agreed to place her in a nursing home.

• The grandmother died but he was so scared to see her he didn’t even look at her at the funeral.

• His mother is now going through what his grandmother did and he is there for her taking care of her and listening to her endless stories.

As Anthony watched his mother care for his grandmother he witnessed how determined his mother was. How she almost “destroyed her health”. I believe it influenced him to be the same way to his mother when she was dying even though it hurt him to see her once a fierce women to weighing 92 pounds and strapped in a chair. I think it made him want to be there for his mother as much as she was for hers. Anthony’s mother was a very good role model and he has changed his attitude because of her.

Ideas For Task One

For task one I am going to write about abusive relationships. I have chosen to write about abusive relationships because I have been in one and some people are in abusive relationships and don’t realize it. I want to voice my opinion on abusive relationships to encourage myself and others to not get in to an abusive relationship. I want to educate people about this topic because someone could have a friend or a relative who maybe in a situation and it needs to be brought to their attention. Some problems that may arise for task one is computer issues because it’s just my luck. I will have some issues brain storming ideas. I anticipate to struggle or get stuck and probably change my topic a few times. I will change my topic because I will think of something better or think my topic now isn’t good enough. I will struggle, get stuck, and frustrated. I have a problem with forgetting ideas and staying focused. I stress myself out when it comes to writing papers because I expect myself to sound smart and to get it done fast and with no problems. I like to think about my topic a lot before I begin to write. I want to approach this paper by jotting down ideas before I begin writing I want to do some research on statistics on effects of an abusive relationship. Questions I do have about task one are how soon should I start? Will we have some kind of guide?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Letter of Introduction

Hello! My name is Kayde Osborn and I come from St. Joseph, Missouri. I am 18 years old and have a two year old daughter her name is Aubrey. I attended high school at Savannah High. In high school I loved to play sports and blow off my home work till last minute. I participated in softball and soccer for the first three years. In my spare time I like to go mudding, four wheeling, horse back riding, shopping, hang out with friends, go to football and softball games, cooking out, bonfires, spending time with Aubrey, and sleep! I am employed at The Sports Page, its a store were you can design your own t-shirts.

In my literature and composition class I wasn't the greatest at writing papers. Ive always had trouble brain storming because I get distracted very easy. At the end of my senior year I improved greatly when it came to essays. I would always change my topic three times before the paper was due. Ive always liked poems because they are short, simple, and don't have to rhyme.