Friday, April 8, 2011

blog about something

In the past week the reading I have found interesting was that contraceptives were only for the “sluts.” This somehow offended me. Why would someone say such a thing? And do people still think that today? A million thoughts went through my head after reading this statement. As soon as my mother found out I was having intercourse she got me on birth control. Did she think I was a slut? I’m more confused, then anything. But when I think about the time frame in which this statement was probably said it isn’t to offensive. Another thing I found interesting was pharmacists could keep young women from receiving their birth control. Not because the women couldn’t afford it just because it was against their beliefs. I would personally be pissed if I couldn’t get my birth control from my pharmacist and I would not leave quietly. I would tell everyone about my horrible experience with the pharmacist so that they would lose customers. People should be happy about young women buying birth control because that means that they are at least trying to have safer sex. But for the women who cannot afford birth control I feel sorry for. But when she was talking about abortion I was kind of upset that she thought that not being able to have an abortion was like not having rights to your own body, but what about the baby should it have rights to? And who is going to stand up for that baby if’s its mother wont?

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Lisa a twenty-two year old single women who happens to be a manager at the restaurant she’s currently working at, misses her period. Instead of taking the bull by the horns and dealing with her pregnancy she makes the decision that she would rather aboard the pregnancy. She ends up having to borrow money, a friend’s car, and take four days off work. Lisa doesn’t want to aboard the baby because she has been raped or incest, simply because at this time in her life she would rather be a manager at a restaurant. In the state of Missouri a recent case study showed,” that most people in the U.S. want abortion to be legal, they just don’t want it to be easy.” (51) For someone like Lisa it was easy to make a decision and fallow through. But should women who are not ready for babies be able to just dispose of the baby? We make choices in life and we have to deal with the consequences. But in some cases abortions are acceptable, when it comes to the danger of the mother’s life. It’s a law that many states fallow abortions should only be allowed to rape victims, incest, and life or death situations. Rape victims must have a doctor’s statement verifying that they have been raped to follow through with the procedure.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Ad I Have Chosen

The ad I have chosen is Ralph Lauren, in the ad there is a model striking a pose. The model has long hair that is covering her shoulders, she is wearing a sleeveless blouse, and destroyed jeans with her hands placed on her hips. What’s abnormal and hard to ignore is how slim the model is. This ad objectifies women and how they try to live up to unrealistic images. Women feel it’s important to imamate these images that they see in the media because it’s “beautiful”. The intended audience is young adults; they are more acceptable to the media. I think that young adults are more acceptable because they can easily view these images in magazines, internet, television, and on billboards. Also young adults pay more attention to the media. Other models also have to compete with other models to get jobs with designers so they are constantly starving themselves to be slimmer than there competition.
Age: 17-24
Gender: Woman
Race: White
Location: Everywhere
Education: High School and College
Social Class: Middle, working class, and upper class
Occupation: Students or working
Politics: N/A
Religion: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
This ad has targeted this particular audience because young adults are very in to fashion. This ad targets them specifically because this outfit being advertised is what young adults wear. Models are targeted because of the model in the advertisement. They are always competing to be better than the other models and to get designers attention so that they will be chosen to wear their clothing in photo shoots or fashion shows.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

day 1 of english104:)

I am Kayde Osborn; I’m from St. Joseph, Missouri but I have grown up in the small town of Savannah, Missouri.  I have had a lot of experience with reading and writing throughout school.  I like to write, I enjoy being able to spill my thoughts on to a piece of paper instead of talking. Reading does not excite me one bit. In high school I would sink as low as I could in my desk hoping my teacher wouldn’t call on me to read out loud.  However I like to read to myself, I love real life stories. My favorite book so far is “Dear John.”  I would like my classmates to know my first draft is my shittiest.  My writing strengths happen to be that I...I really don’t know but I’m really good at comprehending what I read, most of the time.  I sometimes don’t have the patients to read. These practices excite me because I have improved in reading and writing in English 100 and I know I will improve even further after this semester.