Friday, April 8, 2011

blog about something

In the past week the reading I have found interesting was that contraceptives were only for the “sluts.” This somehow offended me. Why would someone say such a thing? And do people still think that today? A million thoughts went through my head after reading this statement. As soon as my mother found out I was having intercourse she got me on birth control. Did she think I was a slut? I’m more confused, then anything. But when I think about the time frame in which this statement was probably said it isn’t to offensive. Another thing I found interesting was pharmacists could keep young women from receiving their birth control. Not because the women couldn’t afford it just because it was against their beliefs. I would personally be pissed if I couldn’t get my birth control from my pharmacist and I would not leave quietly. I would tell everyone about my horrible experience with the pharmacist so that they would lose customers. People should be happy about young women buying birth control because that means that they are at least trying to have safer sex. But for the women who cannot afford birth control I feel sorry for. But when she was talking about abortion I was kind of upset that she thought that not being able to have an abortion was like not having rights to your own body, but what about the baby should it have rights to? And who is going to stand up for that baby if’s its mother wont?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayde,

    I'm glad that you are now aware of pharmacists who have the privilege of refusing to refill birth control, emergency contraception and yes, the morning after pill. These pharmacists are protected (i.e. in some cases) by the states' laws. I believe that it is a state's issue, but there are morality clauses that protext pharmcists from doing something against their believe. I can imagine how you might feel about this subject. Yes, it pisses me off too. Sadly, many women are not aware of these issues.

    You mentioned that you are confused? What confuses you? Why do you think (i.e. going back to Valenti's book) that politicians would want to limit access to these services?

    Ms. C
