Friday, December 10, 2010


Thesis: Read, this is a word herd by children daily, but to my ears it just sounds like nails on a chalk board.
Main Points: The main points I make in my paper are how Rodriguez and I have the same hate for reading but over time we notice it wasn’t that bad.
Peer Evaluation: the most important information I received was all the run on sentences I had and seeing how I repeated myself in my paper.
Class: the most important information I received in class was that the paper was like task three.
How many drafts: I wrote at least three drafts, with this paper I just sat down and wrote the whole paper.
I still don’t think I had a good handle on analysis and conclusion.
I was most pleased with the body of my paper.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December first:)

Throughout my life I have had a very special but distant relationship with books. While growing up I was too busy for books, they didn’t fit in to my schedule I was too busy playing outside. In high school we had to silent read so I had no choice but to find a book that could entertain me for an hour each week. I searched everywhere for a book, but I couldn’t find a book that really interested me. So I started asking my friends what their favorite books were. I was recommended Dear John, but it took me only one week to read it. I loved Dear John!  Now I had a problem I had no book, so I set out for target and found a book called “Testimony.” I thought I had found a good book but I was wrong the book was horrible I couldn’t even read past the first chapter. This was the last book I purchased. I was so disappointed with the book, that I threw it in someone else’s locker. I have not bought another book since then. I don’t like to read but every once in a while I get my hands on a good book. Growing up I was a lot alike Rodriguez I hated to read and I didn’t understand why some people read so much. I was in a special class kind of like Rodriguez; I would go to a room with a teacher with a couple of my class mates and read out loud. But unlike Rodriguez I never came to love reading. I only read when I have to in school.