Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Before this course I anticipated writing a good amount of essays and reading books. I really didn’t know what to expect, accept that I had to be ready because high school was over. At the time I was fresh out of high school and I was confident that I would do well in college. Now that I am in the course and summer has passed I am not doing as well as I wanted. I feel like I have forgotten how to write a good essay. I also hoped I would improve as the weeks have gone by. I have improved in some ways but not in the way I would have liked. I have trouble finding words and brainstorming. It’s like I’m not really ready for college. This course has tested me. I have to do my work and show up to all classes or fail. I think that I have improved on my journaling. At this point I can just sit down and journal, but the first couple of journals I had a lot of trouble with. I couldn’t sit and just answer a question and have a 250 word response. I know that once this course is over I will be able to see my improvement and be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayde,

    I'm sorry that you aren't as happy with the progress that you have made. Perhaps, progress is not the correct word; however, we all experience difficult times as you did with Task Three. But you were able to identify a possible theme for this paper, which in turn, turned out to be a great draft after all. You should be proud. Unfortunately, writing does not come natural to us all, including myself, we have to work at it and as I see it, there is beauty in this craft.

    Ms. C
