Wednesday, October 27, 2010


In “Savage Inequalities “by Jonathan Kozol  a teacher began teaching at a school so overcrowded and poor that the fourth grade had to share the auditorium with  another fourth grade class and a choir. The class was so behind on their education, they had not had a permanent teacher since kindergarten. They had over a dozen subs in just one semester. This affected there learning levels, they could read at a second grade level and their math even worse. The teacher started to read the children poems by Robert Frost and Langston Hughs. But little did he know that the poems were inflammatory and to advanced for the children and he was fired. He was fired for trying to improve the lives of the children who were being cheated out of opportunity to further their education.  After being fired Kozol was hired at another school. It happened to be one of the wealthiest schools; it was startling coming from one of the poorest schools. After teaching for a few years he became interested in the health and education of farm workers in New Mexico and Arizona. Then after visited schools and neighborhoods and spoke with the children, even meeting with them in their homes. Segregation stuck out like a black sheep in a snow covered field.  In most of the schools he visited 95 to 99 percent of the students were non white. Most of the cities noticed and said there hadn’t been any changes in segregation. Kozol wants to be the children’s voice, and help people be more aware of what others are going through.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I Decided to Go to College?

I decided to come to college because I want to further my education so I
can provide for my daughter. Neither of my parents went to college and
they both have decent paying jobs, but I have grow up watching them
struggle. I have herd my mother say numerous times that she wishes she
would have went to college. This has made me want to attend college, I
don’t want to struggle or have to depend on my parents. College has
opened my eyes, showing me that I have to make my own choices. Choosing
what classes to take, attending class, and doing my homework are all my
own choices. Having a toddler makes this very difficult for me, she
needs my undivided attention. I know in the long run I will be happy
with my decision to attend college. Something I already think about and
regret is not waiting to go to college. I am fresh out of high school
and I don’t have the focus or drive to learn. I think if I were to be
older and ready for college I would feel much better about college. One
thing that is difficult for me to deal with is the teachers who
constantly bring up the fact that college isn’t for everyone. Some days
I don’t feel like college is for me. No matter how hard college gets I
will not drop out because I would not only be letting myself down but
Aubrey also.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Task Two

What is the thesis for your paper? It amazes me to know that my grandfather want to go bach to school after so many years, especially after being retired.

List the main points you make in your paper. My grandfather is retired, all the schools he attended, and how he wanted his children to finnish school.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? How I needed to connect some of my sentences and how to fix my conclusion.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? The interview papers

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting? I wrote a ton of notes, then did my outline, then I sat at my computer and wrote the whole paper.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? I dont think I should of wrote my paper over my grandpa, he didnt go back to school.

What are most pleased with about this paper? How easy it was to bring all the information together.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Becoming Educated

An education is knowledge you learn at school to prepare you for your future. I think an education is important to everyone not only children. You start your education at an early age because your brain is like a sponge and will absorbe everything that you hear. An education is very valuable, it something that takes many years to get and you'll have it for a life time! how far you go with your education is your decision not anyone else's. If you want to drop out of high school you can, if you dont want to go to college you dont have to, but if you want to go back to school when your thirty or fourty you can.