Thursday, March 24, 2011


Lisa a twenty-two year old single women who happens to be a manager at the restaurant she’s currently working at, misses her period. Instead of taking the bull by the horns and dealing with her pregnancy she makes the decision that she would rather aboard the pregnancy. She ends up having to borrow money, a friend’s car, and take four days off work. Lisa doesn’t want to aboard the baby because she has been raped or incest, simply because at this time in her life she would rather be a manager at a restaurant. In the state of Missouri a recent case study showed,” that most people in the U.S. want abortion to be legal, they just don’t want it to be easy.” (51) For someone like Lisa it was easy to make a decision and fallow through. But should women who are not ready for babies be able to just dispose of the baby? We make choices in life and we have to deal with the consequences. But in some cases abortions are acceptable, when it comes to the danger of the mother’s life. It’s a law that many states fallow abortions should only be allowed to rape victims, incest, and life or death situations. Rape victims must have a doctor’s statement verifying that they have been raped to follow through with the procedure.